Saturday, June 17, 2017

Theme of the story

The section read for the week was the rest of the story

The theme for the story Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer was to learn how to forgive others before it's too late. Into the wild is a pretty sad story. It was about a man named Chris McCandless and found out his father had a second family. Wanting to forget his family, he went out to explore America, to go into the wild. Towards the end of the story Chris finally learned that you can't find happiness alone. That he needed for forgive his family. He wanted to go back but he'd been poisoned by a plant and been too weak to eat or do anything. He ended up starving to death on the bus and never returning back to tell his family how he really feels. "I have had a happy life and thank the lord. Goodbye and may god bless all!" Page 199. Throughout this whole story Chris learns that forgiveness is key and he dies before he could do so. 

My Response

Section read for the week was from page 47 to page 98

I was driving down the road when I saw a young man maybe in his early twenties. I stopped by to give him a ride. I asked the man where his camp was and he said "Out past Oh-My-God Hot Springs." (page 49) I've never heard of that camp before so I convinced him into giving him a ride to that camp. Once we reached the camp, I didn't believe what I saw. "The community was beyond the fringe, a vision of the post-apocalypse America." (page 50) I ended up driving past the camp into an empty area, keeping a short simple conversation with the man along the way. I learned that his name was Alex and he was from West Virginia. He wouldn't talk about himself more than that. After I left him at his place, I couldn't stop thinking about him. After about a week I went back to him. After some time passed, we started spending more time with each other. Alex would sometimes hike up here and we would occasionally do bar-b-ques. Later after a while I asked to adopt him as my grandson and he said we'd talk about it later. He kind of broke my heart when he left. I got a letter from him later on and took it to heart. I placed my possessions in a storage locker and sold my apartment. I moved to Alex's old campsite and waited for him return...

Sunday, June 11, 2017

What Question would you ask the Author?

This book is definitely on "my favorite books" bookshelf. It is one of those story's with a very twisted plots that reveal slowly and clearly by the end. I asked myself many questions in the first half but most of them were answered, all but one. And if Jon Krakauer by any chance reads this post please answer, What was on your mind that inspired you to write this? There are many others that write about some depressing or scary things but this isn't neither one of those. I am torturing my mind trying to imagine myself in any possible life situation after which I would go and decide to write a boo like this.
Image result for into the wild bus


I was walking down the highway somewhere by the border in Canada. I left everything in my life behind my shoulders, so there was really nothing holding me back or even bothering my mind. The only thought I had on my mind at that moment was where will I be at the end of today. It was noon when a car, some SUV pulled over right by me and rolled down its window. The driver invited me in and asked to give me a ride. "Why not?" I though to myself. So I did. He was really curious where I was headed and surprised when I told him about my plans. It looked like he couldn't believe that a young and small man like I from central america can do such a thing. 
Image result for eminem album cover

Saturday, June 10, 2017


This Book "Into the wild" by Jon Krakauer concentrates on many different places throughout time including Western America, Canada, Mexico, and Alaska. Also the story is very stretched in time but the most important events happen in 1980's to 1990's. In the beginning it is Canada where we meet our main character, Chris McCandless or also the problem in the story. By authors description it was late spring, early summer. Everything is green, blooming trees, bushes and flowers in deep forests, half melted lakes indicate the beauty of the setting. When our character is discovered dead, he was in the middle of no where, inside of an abandoned bus.
Image result for into the wild map 

Thursday, June 8, 2017


      My prediction is that Alex will get lost and have a short source of food. In chapter 1, page 5 a guy named Gallien mentions how much food he has with him. He says "the only food in his pack was a ten-pound bag of rice." With only one pound of rice, that's got to end sometime, and what if some animal ends up eating his food when hes not around. I also predict that Alex would get lost in the woods or hurt since on the same page, Gallien mentions that "his gear seemed exceedingly minimal for the harsh conditions... His rifle... too small to rely on if he expected to kill large animals..." With barely any equipment, there's a good chance he will get injured. Based on this information, I predict that Alex won't last long in the woods since he might run low on food or just not have good enough equipment.